Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Readings for Seminar 1 - 17 July 2012

The prescribed readings for Seminar 1 on Tuesday 17 July are as follows:

Chapter 1 (Introduction) from Hergenhahn (1996) - copies available from the Main Office (U211)

Miresco, M.J. & Kirmayer, L.J. (2006). The Persistence of Mind-Brain Dualism in Psychiatric Reasoning About Clinical Scenarios. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 913-918.

This reading should be available via the following link:

(Unless you are on the Wits network, this link should take you via the Library login page, for which you will require your Library PIN. If you have any difficulty obtaining the article via this link, please search for the article via the Library eJournal Portal, using the reference provided above.)

Nalini, A. (2011). The mind in the world: culture and the brain. Observer, 24 (May/June).

This reading can be accessed via the following link:

Additional Recommended Reading: Chapter 18 (Contemporary Psychology) from Hergenhahn (1996).

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